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  • 3D Architecture Models- Benefit The Building Work Dec 09, 2015
    Completion of a building, from design concept to draw an image, and then finally begin to build is through many complicated steps. Before going into large-scale construction, we usually choose to build general look at 3D building models in future appearance.   People talk most about tech in this fast paced world must be 3D rendering, which is extremely beneficial for the architecture industry...
  • China military paying 'close attention' to U.S. plane deployment Dec 14, 2015
    China's military is paying "close attention" to an agreement between the United States and Singapore to deploy the U.S. P8 Poseidon spy plane to the city state and hopes the move does not harm regional stability, the defense ministry said.   "We are paying close attention to how the relevant situation develops, and hope bilateral defense cooperation between the relevant countries is beneficia...
  • Christianity Church Recondition-Culture of Respect Dec 16, 2015
    Precious ancient building is a huge treasure of our humanity, perhaps because of some disaster, these buildings will be destroyed. So, now the government will want to recover these precious treasures, so that people feel the great wisdom of the ancient people. Xujiahui Christianity church already has hundreds years history. Now China government decide to make recondition for it. Total need around ...
  • Something about drilling platform Collide Dec 18, 2015
    You may do not know that models are base on the real building or base on the design paper. And today I will tell you some information about the prototype of Drilling platform industrial models.   A Vietnamese fishing boat has sunk after it collided with a Chinese vessel near a controversial oil rig in the South China Sea, amid tensions between the two nations. China moved its Haiyang Shi...
  • Youngest Girl To Climb Everest Dec 21, 2015
    Climbing the mountain is not an easy task, not only to be able to endure harsh weather, but also have a good sense of direction, so he will not get lost in the process of climbing.   A 13-year-old Indian student has become the youngest girl to climb Mount Everest. Malavath Poorna says she felt "great" on reaching the summit on Sunday. The schoolgirl lifted an Indian flag at the top in celebra...
  • Shipwreck full of treasure has been found Dec 23, 2015
    A story about steam towboat models A huge treasure ship, which sank around 300 years ago, has been found at the bottom of the ocean in Columbia, in South America.   The ship was an old Spanish galleon called the San Jose, a large boat with huge sails and lots of different decks.   Galleons were initially used for sea battles during the 16th and 18th Century, or for carrying items to trad...
  • Baidu Automatic driving Car Dec 25, 2015
    Chinese search engine giant Baidu announced that its driverless car has finished road tests and succeeded in automatic driving in mixed road conditions.   The test vehicle left the Baidu building in Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park and drove to the Olympic Forest Park via the G7 Beijing-Urumqi highway and the Fifth Ring Road before returning via the same route.   The vehicle reached a t...
  • How to Build a 3D Model Sports Car Dec 29, 2015
    Making a 3d Sports car scale model is an activity you can do with CAD programs. These programs have tools for building simple 3D objects, which you can assemble and shape into more complex objects. In learning to make a sports car, you'll be learning these other skills essential to 3D model making in general: navigating in two and three dimensional space; rotating, scaling, and moving objects; and...
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